A sad and joyous occasion as the inaugural Peter Crowhurst Celebration Trophy was awarded to Nigel Carby following his victory in the four day competition.
“It was a close fought competition in challenging conditions.” Nigel said after the presentation. “I put my victory down to staying out until 6am and not being able to walk or talk, this is the sort of training regime needed for a challenge of this nature and , if I may say so that is where the others went wrong. It’ s all in the preparation”.
Second place man Monty Monty (so good they named him twice) also commented “Personally I had know idea what was going on all week, but I seem to have won some money so it must be good!”
Lord Chilly of Ozelam in 3rd place was not available for comment but Hoppy Dearsley 4th place man said “It was a job well done ! The boys done good ! The game needed to be played ! It was a fine performance ! Is that enough ?”