The late night oil burnt bright at Tour HQ as negotiations continued over the 2023 Portugal Tee times.

Controversy was sparked when Lord Roger Large weighed in with demands for The Old Course as the venue for the final round of the Super Bock Steaks.

Sir Michael King, leader of the “No Night Golf Here ! ” pressure group had been satisfied with most of the Tee times but Large was adamant on his “Fundamental need ” for 18 holes on the hallow turf of Vilamouras’  magnificent Old Course.

“I believe that this venue is what the Players want, its what the crowd want and Max is keen as well !” demanded Lord Roger .

Finally, after hours of laboured drinking discussion Hoppy Dearsley agreed to re open negotiations and after a late night exchange of e mails , texts and crypto currency today the revised Tee times can be revealed !



Final words came from Hoppy himself: “Now all we have to do is work out who the fuck is playing !!!”

Lord Large – Outstanding in his field !!