Dear Uncle Nigel,
I don’t know where to turn, you could be my last hope.
The year went so well up to about August. I had a big win in July and the world was laid out before me. We were all set to walk off into the sunset leading the team into the new promised land and then…………..
I found out that the cupboard was bare, the safe was empty and someone had shat in the front room !!!
To be fair I should have known, the last tenants were completely irresponsible and spent most of their time kicking the shit out of each other. But it has been so long since anyone I know has been in charge of anything that I didn’t know who to ask.
And now the bloody man baby is back !!! and the twat Musk is shagging Farage !!!
Oh Happy Days !!
Still here we are , so I’m coming to you Nige , where next ? give us some hope ???
Anyway, Happy New Year Nigel, I see no Christmas message again ! I know your busy but come on !!
Guess who (full name and address withheld)
Dear Mr S,
Fuck Off You Twat !
Oh and Happy Christmas and a preposterous New Year to one and all !!!