We are now 7 !
The mighty Joe Dearsley has cancelled his wenching and brandy swilling session in St Tropez and will be joining us in Bournemouth for the “2017 Bob Dearsley’s Very Old Masters”.
This means that the tournament prize money has expanded to new life changing levels and I know that you are all now trembling in anticipation. (see below)
The news from France is that Tony Dearsley’s legs have both dropped off at the knee and hence forth he will be known as “Shufflin Tone”. In order to ensure that out Tone’s needs are catered for a buggy has been procured for Friday and Saturday and Brother Pete is working on a plan to acquire some means of dragging him around Parkstone, Good luck Pete !
To avoid argument Clive will be sharing the buggy on Friday and Saturday as his old knees are also close to collapse. If anyone else would like a buggy, speak now or forever etc etc.
The plan on Friday 7th April is to arrive at Knighton Heath around 1pm. They serve a frightfully good lunch which can be ordered in the clubhouse and the Tee will be ready for us at 2.00pm.
Don’t be late!
Playing order has now also been decided. Names were drawn from a hat, well it looked a bit like a hat, by Amanda Dearsley last Sunday and are available to view at the bottom of this page.
Late news just in !
County Cards will get us a substantial discount so if you can get one (they are free from your golf club) that would be very good.
The format will be Stableford played off full club handicaps adjusted on a daily basis.
Details of handicaps can be found Here