Biffalicious Is Back !! Stewy Pulls Out His Big One !
The 2017 UK Peter Crowhurst Celebration Trophy, played on Friday at Kibworth Golf Club, has been won by this years Portuguese Tour winner and current holder of the trophy the mighty Stuart Amos. In a dazzling round of 37 points, Stuart, who cleverly turned up at the correct golf club this year, stamped his not inconsiderable authority on the 18 hole competition. Favorites Kevin Shorrocks and Nigel Carby fell away as Stuart’s putts just kept rolling in !
As ever 5th place man Mick Rushall commented: “We were all happy that Biffa turned up at the right golf club but he did not have to go and win it, did he ?”
There was some drama earlier in the day when Michael King, in keeping with tradition, drove to Kilworth Springs and abused the professional shop staff before moving on to the correct venue.
Roger Large, whilst proposing the Crowbar toast, had some fine words for the eager crowd:
“It has been a fine days golf and a pleasure to be here with such a fine body of men remembering our old mate Peter!”
He was later asked to leave the premises for being far too sensible.
The PCC Trophy will next be held in Bridlington over Sunday 17th September and Monday 18th September.
Full results below.