The sun shone down on the chosen 12 as the wind of Filey upped its game on Saturday 12th September 2020.
Many had travelled up North the day before to get acclimatised to the lager conditions, others had risen well before Dawn was even awake had broken to travel to this epic Tournament.
Day 1 was unusual in that the wind was actually warm, locals said “This is new ?” but the first round went ahead anyway. By the end of the first day Big Tony Bryan was out in front with an 8 shot lead.
Commentators said “Its a flash in the pan !” But was it ?
Day 2 at Scarborough was nearly called off as there was a deafening sound from a bunch of nutters on highly tuned motorcycles. It turned out that they , apparently, try to kill themselves at this time every September, so they were allowed to continue with their suicidal dashing about as the 2nd round got underway.
Hoppy Dearsley, in a doomed attempt to rekindle his golden year of 2016, put in a 34 point round which took the day but his day 1 first 9 total of 7 was never going to allow the rekindling to happen.
Day 3 was a glorious morning at Flamborough Head, sunny , breathless the dew glistening on the freshly mown greens.
Big Tone stood on the first tee with a 5 shot lead over Big K Shorrocks as they stood together toe to toe, well they were toe to toe but there was very little eye contact going on.
As the day moved through there was 1 shot between them after the first 9.
Big Tone had been here before, just last year when Big K took him apart on the last hole.
Could he hang in there, would his nerve hold, do we really care ?
The answer is Big Tony Bryan won the day , winning by 2 shots from Big K and by 7 from Uncle Nigel in 3rd place having hit a superb 38 point last day round.
This was a fine victory which saw Tony also take the Flamborough Head Banger, which actually has a Trophy this year, and The Super Bock Handicap Steaks.
Tony was keen to celebrate with his fellow competitors but Covoid distancing kept the celebrations to a minimum.
Later Tony’s ebullience was slightly dented when he was informed that his starting handicap in 2021 would be 14.
He immediately called for a Stewards Enquiry, but Stewart had gone home so his calls fell on deaf ears.
Big K Shorrocks picked up the Peter Crowhurst Celebration Trophy (for the 3rd time) by 2 shots from a stunned Hoppy Dearsley.
Stunned as he had never before been awake at 9 am in the morning let alone tried to play golf at that unearthly hour !
Planning has already commenced for the 2021 Admiral’s Cup lets hope we are Covidiocy free !
But the question remains ? Where the hell is MK Seve ??
Full Results Below:
Champion Tony Bryan receiving the 2020 Title and Trophy from Big K Shorrocks last years winner.
For those keen on social distancing this photo was taken, as they all were, with a super high speed camera which means they were only this close to each other for less than 2 nano seconds.
Yes he also won the Super Bock Handicap Steaks !
And the Flamborough Head Banger !
And here is a picture without bloody Tony Bryan in it !!!
Big K , obviously under some emotional strain, receives the PCC Trophy from holder Lord Chilly.
BRIDLINGTON 2021 Coming to a Yorkshire near you in 12 months time !!!!