Dear Doctor Biff,
What’s all this SeveBet bollocks. I am a keen gambler and the wife and I spend many hours sitting around her tablet taking on Bet Fred and Ladbrooks and some of the other global players.
I now read that SeveBet are launching their business in the UK. Please tell us will SeveBet be offering all of the free bets and special offers and in play betting which we are used to with these established gambling sites?
My wife says that SeveBet is just a con like MuckerBet where you sent in money and never hear anything ever again! We lost over £450 on MuckerBet.
Should we get involved or is this one to keep away from ?
Also I have a small wart on my nose , What can be done?
Pete of Coventry Hospital – By bed pan.
Dear Pete,
Firstly there is no truth in the rumour that I am a major shareholder in SeveBet. Obviously if I was I could not answer your question in my legendary balanced and fair manner.
So that being the case SeveBet is absolutely the best gambling service in the world, if I were you I would sign up now, in fact as their web site is not quite ready I recommend you send at least £1000 to SeveBet c/o PO Box 123 Rugby , Warcs. as soon as you can, in cash preferably but cheques made out to SeveBet (previously MuckerBet) will be acceptable.
Honestly you just can’t loose, probably. And remember “You Never Fret With SeveBet” !
As for your small wart, I recommend Carbies Wart Gell always works. Send a stamped address envelope enclosing £345.67 to Carbies Treatments c/o PO Box 123 Rugby , Warcs. and they will send you a tube of this excellent ointment within the next 12 months , or so.
Lovely to hear from you again.
Biff. (MD)