2023 – The Winter George Open Results ! Big Bad Bandit Brian Bangs in Bonanza Bonus !!!
With tears in their eyes the men from Newark set off on the morning of Friday 10th November, they knew, the crowd knew , in fact everyone knew , it was predetermined !
The players prepared in silence, hope had faded, resolution had set in.
Suddenly the mood changed , he had arrived, flanked by his entourage of priests, nuns and scantily clad young women , known as The Bards Birds, Brian strode onto the Tee. The gathered crowd hushed in silence as the golf ball was blessed and the mighty Shakespeare sent the holy orb sailing down the fairway.
5 hours later the players, crushed and fearful , huddled together to welcome the Champion to the prizegiving, celebration and festival that is The George Open championship awards.
The Host, Max (as it is he), addressed the Players and assembled apostles:
“He’s bloody done it again, hasn’t he !!! Twat !!!”
And with that the festivities began.
Sadly Brian has ticked the “No Publicity” box on his entry form so no photos were allowed.
The results for the Autumn George Open played at Kingsthorpe Golf Course Northampton on Friday November 10th are as follows:
1st Brian Shakespeare 41pts
2nd Kevin Shorrocks 36pts
3rd Mick Rushall 36pts
Longest Drive Mark Griffin
Nearest the pin Dean Mayo
Nearest the pin in 2 unclaimed (but awarded to Brian anyway)
Yellow ball
Brian Shakespeare
Tony Bryan
Julian Winch
Kevin Shorrocks

With no photos of the George Open prize giving available we offer a picture of Max celebrating Brian’s magnificent win.
Rumours that there is an extraordinary meeting of the George Open, Bridlington Tour and Crowhurst Trophy Handicap Committees scheduled are absolutely true !