2019 Spring Peter Crowhurst Celebration – Dearsley In Shock Win !

Clive Dearsley, two time PCC Champion, has once again won the coveted crown in a shock victory at the 2019 Bournemouth Very Old Masters. The PCC is played over the final 2 days of this prestigious 3 day tournament and although Dearsley came in only 6th place overall , his magnificent 37 points around Meyrick Park secured his third PCC victory.
“It was a white knuckle ride !” says Dearsley. “Even the crowd turned away as my putter moved in the most mysterious of ways, still I beat the bastards !”
The PCC will be contested again in 2019 in Portugal between 7th and 14th May.

Bob Dearsley (no relation) hands over the PCC to an ebullient CBD.