Even now as our President (For Life) walks upon the hallowed turf in preparation for what is probably the most important golf tournament of the millenieummium decade plans are being made for the evening entertainment which Mein Presidento has arranged for us.
Premier League.
Tuesday 8th May – Swansea City vs Southampton.
Wednesday 9th May – Chelsea vs Huddersfield
Leicester vs Arsenal
Manchester City vs Brighton
Tottenham vs Newcastle
Thursday 1oth May – West Ham vs Man Utd
Sunday 13th May – A full last day of the season Premier programme.
and also announcing !!!
The Quiz Night.
Date and time to be arranged.
Sponsored by
it is !!
Lord Chilly of Uzerlam’s Mega Quiz 2018.
This will be followed by a shaving demonstration featuring Mick (No Problem for me this shaving lark) Rushal.
(Medical staff will be on hand at all times)
There is also a rumour that a local Hedge Falling and Chair Smashing Team (Kitty Snafflers and the Snatched Clubs) are in the area and they may be persuaded to demonstrate this often forgotten local artistry.
and finally what could be the highlight of the week
on Saturday 12th May it is !!!!!!!
Can’t wait !!